
Saturday, July 31, 2010

in the mail

I'm so excited about what came in the mail the other day.

(No...not King Kong for those that were wondering).

But these samples....
(sorry...I couldn't resist.  I had to break into the LILAC before I remembered to take a picture)

I'll be featuring them on the next TREND blog coming up in a few weeks...they may also be used in somebody's wedding that is less than 8 months away, but I don't know who's that would be!

Stay tuned for fun things to do with this twine...and even a discount to purchase it!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I can't throw it away.

It's been almost two months since I was in the wreck in Kansas City.  Besides the fact that I'm still dealing with Insurance companies and hospital bills I have this little number that won't let me forget it:

It's the cute dress I bought the weekend before.  It was my perfect "girls weekend" dress.  They had to cut it off of me in the trauma room along with everything else I wearing.  They sent it all home with me in this little gift bag :)

I've been able to throw away the undergarments that were cut (because that's just gross), but for some reason I can't let go of this now scrap peice of fabric. wierd.  In high school I got run over by one of my friends.  The t-shirt I was wearing had one side of it torn off.  I'm pretty sure I just threw that away a year or two ago. 

It's interesting to me that I've held on to things that remind me of not so fun times like they are souviners.  You would think I wouldn't want to see them again.  I suppose they are reminders of God's faithful provision and protection over my life during those traumatic times.  My cut up dress is pitiful to look at, but brings a great sense of awe and thankfulness that God is with me all the time.  Do you keep reminders of hard times? Or do you throw them away? 

My friend Rachel is still on her long road to recovery.  My "trauma" seems so trivial to what she went through and is dealing with on a daily basis.  Please continue to pray for her strength, patience, and comfort as she begins to heal.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

my concert list

A few years ago I made a list of all the people that were a MUST SEE for me in my lifetime.  Granted, I don't go to TONS of concert, but there are a few big names that I love and really want to see live.  The list went a little something like this (in no particular order):

James Taylor
Harry Connick, Jr.
Paul Simon
Paul McCartney
Billy Joel
Phil Collins

Before Monday night I had seen half my list.  James Taylor (now twice), Harry Connick (also twice), and Billy Joel.  Then came Monday night...

SIR PAUL MCCARTNEY ladies and gentlemen!

Holy cow!  I'm not even going to try and give a review because I'm not that talented of writer, and "OH MY GOSH" just doesn't do it justice.  Seeing him perform live, right there, a former beatle, one of the greatest living was a chance of a lifetime and I'm glad Josh agreed to buy us tickets and take me :)

ps. his drummer may  have been on of my favorite parts of the show.

now, Paul Simon and Phil Collins are left. 

who is on your concert list?!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my mom's birthday!    There isn't enough space on the internet for me to tell you all how wonderful of a person, mother, and friend my mom is.  I don't have to, because most of you already know.

My mom, or Ellen, or Ms. Ellen, or Gran...however you may know her, is a treasure.  She is a wonderful teacher, sooo very creative, has such a green thumb, LOVES dogs, is great listener, and most importantly (to me at least) so very good at being mom.  She puts others first, regardless of the hardships life has thrown her way, she is a diligent prayer warrior and dear friend to so many.

My mom's "God will make a way" attitude about her own life has been a source of constant encouragement and discipleship for me.  We've been through a lot together and I have no doubt we're getting off the roller coaster any time soon, however, God has a plan and He will see it through. 

He has proven faithful the last (pick your own age mom!) years of your life and I am confident He will do this same this year!  I hope this truly is a happy birthday for you mom.  You deserve to feel so very loved and celebrated.  I for one, am very thankful to have you in my my mom, friend, mentor, and roommate :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Themes That Didn't Make the Cut - Part 1

It's pretty much a given that I love me a good "Theme Party." I've had 27 years of birthday parties (coming up on 28) and I've yet to repeat a theme.  I fully support costume parties and LOVE celebrating holidays.  When it comes to my wedding...what theme will I choose?  I've come up with a few ideas.  These are the ones that didn't make the cut.

I'll be getting married right during the beginning excitement of March Madness!!! One of my most favorite times of year!  Personally, I think it's a bit lame the boys will be getting ready at the church in a room with a large flat screen tv with cable.  I will be in a room full of mirrors.  Any chance we can switch?! 

Basketball Tournament parties are so fun...bracket games, trivia, the last shots at the buzzer to ruin everyone's predictions!  They are great!  Why not have the biggest March Madness party ever...AT MY WEDDING?!  here is a little taste of what it would be like:

(my favorite is the basketball gumball machines as wedding favors...your welcome!)

For the reception:

well we'd probably have it in a gym...duh.  and bring in some lockers to line the wall
(we are going all out people).

and to create some cool coner seating for folks we could have little basketball couches:

table decor is pretty simple - basketball cupcake toppers, varisty letters with the new last name on it, basketball center pieces, etc.

a nice basketball wedding cake:

So, what do you think? Are you sad we aren't going to use this one? :)
Stay tuned for part 2 coming up soon.
If you have other theme suggestions (real or funny) I'd love to hear them!  They make show up on the blog...or as my birthday party theme!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

so very "adult"

I posted a blog a few years ago on my old blog about the exact moment one becomes an adult.  Moving out, graduating college, paying for your own bills, getting a job, etc.  At that moment my employer had started putting money into my retirement fund.  Pretty sure that's adult worthy.  Besides the fact that I'm about to turn 28, which I think is fairly adult worthy, Josh and I just purchased our CHINA CABINET.  This, ladies and gentlemen, is yet another step in my book of "you know you are an adult if..."

My grandmother gave me one of her sets of china.  I also got a set of china when her friend, Ms. May, passed away.  We also know I love to throw me some parties...thus I love to collect me some dishes.  A china cabinet was a "no-brainer" for me.  I've only got my grandmother's set in there now, but by all the plate stands you can see I'm ready for more.

We got the china cabinet at one of our favorite stores.  Josh introduced me to it and my, my mother's, and his mother's houses will probably never be the same.  Nadeau is a great store in Green Hills that works with villages in India and Indonesia.  They get a new shipment about every month.  They never know what they will get so it's always fun to go in a see the new stuff.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Flowers are things I wish I knew more about.  I would LOVE to take an official flower arrangement class one day.  I mean...I can put them in a vase and I think it's pretty but I would love to know more. 

Naturally, when it comes to planning a wedding, now would be a good time to have that sort of information.

I have a few favorite flowers these days...luckily they are in season when I'm getting married!






If you are a flower person...or just want to give me more suggestions...I'd love all the help I can get on good spring wedding flowers.  Any ideas blog readers?

Monday, July 19, 2010

birthday go karts

I asked Josh what he wanted to do for his birthday...he wanted to go ride go karts with all his friends.
so that's what we did!

we met up at las palmas for dinner...

and then...the go karts...there are lots of pictures.  sorry.  there was lots of fun...

let me introduce you to all the drivers...

Jonathan: maintained the lead the entire time

Brian: if he hadn't been hit...maybe he could have won

Josh: Birthday Boy and trouble maker
(but clearly having the time of his life from the very beginning)

Joe: he had the fast car

Phil: it wasn't a corvette so he didn't know how to drive it

Do you see how happy Josh is .... the ENTIRE time?!

the wreck - josh hit brian.  brian got in trouble for it. 

Thank you so much to everyone for helping Josh's birthday dreams come true!!! He had so much fun!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Emily and Myrtle

Have you seen Julie and Julia?  It's a cute movie.  Especially if you have a heart for cooking fun recipies.  The ending was kind of sad for me (maybe it's just because one day I would love to meet Martha Stewart and show her all the things she has inspired me to make, bake, and grow) but it was a cute movie none-the-less.

As I mentioned before, my granparents are moving and because of that they have gone ahead and let us take the things they want us to have.  The short of it - my grandmother was 100% southern hostess all the time.  We should have counted...but her cookbook collection was ENORMOUS!  Mom and I were able to take some of her favorites. Most of them you open up to find notes on the inside cover about which recipes are her favorites.  I was going through them I thought...oooo, maybe I should cook through these.  You Julie did with Julia Childs.  Emily and Myrtle.  Not as catchy.  But still could be fun.  I mean...when you are working with can this not be a best selling movie?!

I'm pretty sure she has a cookbook for every church they ever stepped foot in ... and then some.  I'm excited to try some of them out.  Maybe not EVERY day like Julie did, but often enough.  I want to make my grandmom proud.  Emily and Myrtle. Church cookbook conisours.

Have you ever challeneged yourself with new recipes? Has someone inpired you with that challenge?  I'd love to hear the stories...and learn the recipes!

Friday, July 16, 2010

the Whitehursts

(here you go Jonathan, look alive, it's your turn on the blog!)

Since Josh and I have been dating I've had the previledge of meeting his friends.  Jonathan and Courtney are some of these friends.  and they.are.fabulous!  Wether it's taking long lunches during the work day, grabbing mexican on a week night, or trying new fro-yo places (ummm clearly we like to eat when we are together...just realized that) we have fun with them. 

Jonathan and Courtney are parents to one of the most adorable little boys .... Cody (who is going to be a big brother at the end of the year!).  Seriously...those cheeks.  adorable.

and I'll let Jonathan leave yall with a little sneak peak about Josh's upcoming Birthday Party post.  get excited!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

my grandparent's house

I'm guessing it's the same for most of us.  Our grandparents' houses hold very special memories.  For me it certainly does.  My granparents have lived in the same house for 48 years.  I've seen the amount of stuff I can accumilate staying in the same place for 2 years...48 years...dang.  And boy did they accumilate.

My grandmother was your queen bee southern hostess back in the day.  With a minster for a husband she had to do her fair share of entertaining others and she loved it.  Her china collection proves that. 

At the end of the month my grandparents will be moving to an assisted living facility.  Even though they seem to be excited about not having to keep a house clean or cook every meal or find someone to mow the yard, I can't help but think how sad it is as well.  As we laid out all their belongings...and I mean ALL to be passed out between family members or sold in an estate sale it was evident how much life was lived in this place.  They raised two kids in that house...grandchildren...hosted christmas gatherings, ladies luncheons, birthday parties, and bible studies.

I consider it such an honor to take into pocession some of her favorite peices.  As I unpack everything we brought back I'm sure I'll post picures and stories of all the items, but for now I'll leave you with one of my favorites.

My grandmother had a very close friend, Ms. May.  I remember loving going over to Ms. May's house.  It was the coolest house I'd ever been in.  She had little fountains in her house and twenty years ago I'd never seen little fountains in people's house.  There was stuff everywhere, but it was all really neat and had a story.  When Ms. May died she left me with a set of her china.  It's beautiful.  Ms. May's daughter did incredible needlework.  She made this peice that hung in my grandmother's formal living room for as long as I can remember. 

(sorry for the bad glare)

As Josh and I begin to talk about how we want to decorate our house and what to have and what to get rid of, I consider it a priveledge to be able to hang this peice in my house.  Even if it were ugly...which, I think it's beautiful, but if it weren't I'd still love the fact that I could put it up somewhere and when people see it I can tell them all about my grandmother, and Ms. May and her family.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

at the pool

I've been nervous to post this.  Once upon a time there was a main character in the majority of my posts.  He was my friend, my buddy, always there for me, ready to listen, never got angry.  Over the past months someone else has etched by him ... I'm afraid Dylan is getting more "web time" than Bauer.  Not a good way to start things off if I want them to be friends.

But this is just hilarious folks.

We've always had inside dogs...might I even say pampered inside dogs.  Bauer is by no means pampered but still for the most part, stays inside, lays on the couches, likes to be under the covers, etc.  Dylan is mostly the same except he is used to Josh taking him EVERYWHERE.  Dylan is the worlds best car rider dog.  He's amazing.  He also LOVES to go out to Dickson.  Why wouldn't you love to go to Dickson if you knew this awaited you...

this dog is ridiculous.  He runs down the deck stairs, to the pool, jumps on a raft and all is right with the world.  I'd never seen an "inside" dog do this.  I'm curious to see what Bauer would do in the water.  I'm not sure he would be as happy go lucky as Dylan.

family picture in the pool